Thursday, November 5, 2009

Myth's and Legends

Myth’s & Legends Mike Bujold Oct 26, 2009

Step 1: Analyze
Canobie dick:
-Repetition of character’s name, “Canobie Dick’’

The little Blue man:
-alien powers, sightings
-unidentified creature

-Was it a true story? Author presents story as true. (No ‘’Once upon a time’’)
-Mysterious and strange
-Raises questions, but does not answer them
-Mysterious stranger
-Usually the setting is a long time ago
-Starts off by saying it was a normal day then strange things happen

Step 2: Personalize
John Salomon:
-Repetition of character’s name, ‘’John Salomon’’
-Around 1600
-Normal day
-John Salomon is very small
-Mysterious stranger
-John Salomon is a drunk, and a stealer.
-Story is presented as true

Step 3: Synthesize

John Salomon the salmon
John Salomon was a little man who roamed around at no more than four foot two. His heart was filled with rage and crookedness from having been teased and picked on about his size for all his life. John Salomon was a drunk and a stealer who took advantage of his small height when stealing fish in the market.
One day, John Salomon noticed a new fish stall in the market. All the fish were hung too high for John Salomon to catch, but being pretty drunk, John decided not to care about getting caught and jumped to catch one. It was only a few seconds later that John Salomon noticed he never got back to the ground!
A big, tall, black-man, with long braided hair and shark skinny teeth was holding him by the neck with a menacing look on his face. He pulled John Salomon onto his back and started running towards the river while screaming words that were never heard of. Once he got to the river, he threw John Salomon into it and disappeared.
From that day on, no one has ever heard of, or found any trace of John Salomon near the river. Although, many rumours of sightings of a salmon around four feet long, who swam in distorted motions and who had white marks around his neck, like if having been strangled, have been coming around very often.

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